Terrorhythm (TRRT) for Nintendo Switch – Review

Image provided by Nintendo.com

Terrorhythm (TRRT)

Genre: Music-Rhythm

Players: 1



Terrorhythm is a Music-Rhythm game that has you attacking enemies to the timing of a beat. The game basically plays like a Music-Rhythm version of the One Finger Death Punch games, at least in theory.

In practice, even after calibrating I just couldn’t get the beat down in this game. The beat isn’t really conveyed well to players in the first place, and the music doesn’t always emphasize a beat either, meaning everything feels a bit loose since you’re not quite sure when you’re meant to tap the buttons.

If I could have had the ear of the developers while they were making this game, I would have suggested they have the stage backgrounds pulsate in time with the beat, I would have suggested they have the characters animate in time with the beat, I would have suggested that they have an option to have the controllers use the Switch’s HD rumble to have the beat reverberating in their hands, even. But at most we get a small meter off at the top of the screen where players won’t be looking since they’ll be busy keeping their eyes on enemies.

I can at the very least credit the game with having a great concept, as when things work in this game, it plays pretty well. Unfortunately, these times always felt fleeting to me.

As far as the presentation, the visuals are okay, with some nice color, although I honestly didn’t care for the character designs. However, more to the point, I simply did not find the music in this game all that compelling, and that’s bad news for any music-rhythm game.

In the end, Terrorhythm is a game that had a lot of good ideas, and they could have made for an amazing game, but none of those ideas is executed all that well, resulting in a game that’s frustrating to play, and disappointing in light of what it could have been.

tl;dr – Terrorhythm is a Music-Rhythm game that plays like One Finger Death Punch with a beat. That’s an amazing idea, but unfortunately the game doesn’t convey well enough just what that beat is, and the uninteresting and repetitive music doesn’t always make it any clearer. The result is a disappointing game that feels like a missed opportunity.

Grade: C+

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