Frag Pro Shooter for Nintendo Switch – Review

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Frag Pro Shooter

Genre: First-Person Shooter / Third-Person Shooter

Players: 1-4 Team Competitive (Online)




Frag Pro Shooter is a free-to-play arena-based, multiplayer-focused First-Person Shooter and Third-Person Shooter (you can opt for either view) released on mobile devices in 2019 and ported to Nintendo Switch in 2023. In this game, players select a team of heroes with unique abilities and can freely swap between them, with other characters being controlled by AI. This game is basically aiming to be something like Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch for players who get bored two minutes into a match and want to try a different character.

The presentation here is good but not spectacular. The game uses bright colors and runs smoothly, but the slightly-cartoony characters are a tad on the low-poly side of things, with all of this backed by a decent but forgettable cinematic soundtrack. In other words, this game does a mostly okay job aiming to copy the Overwatch style, but doesn’t come close to it in terms of quality.

The gameplay here mostly works pretty well, and there’s even some good variety between characters, but those characters are pretty limited in their abilities, generally only having a primary fire and a secondary fire per character, and nothing else. Especially with the long cooldowns the game has, it feels pretty limiting, or it would if you couldn’t swap to someone else as needed. Unfortunately, the map situation is far worse – even though the game said I unlocked a map as I was playing, I only ever saw one location in the hours I spent with the game.

There’s another problem with this game, and that is that this game seems to be attempting to try just about every disgusting monetization practice there is. As noted above, you have lootboxes, season passes, wait mechanics, pay-to-win mechanics. And look, I understand that free-to-play games have to make their money somewhere, but come on, this is just excessive.

However, possibly this game’s biggest problem is a lack of players online, reducing the game to fights against and with mostly bots. You can technically invite friends to play with you once you unlock 2 v 2 battles, but there doesn’t appear to be a way to challenge someone. You know, if you wanted to fight a human.

Despite all the gross monetization stuff, the lack of variety in character options, the lack of variety in arenas, and a presentation marking this is a Overwatch wannabe, Frag Pro Shooter still has its charms… but those charms are lost when you’ll find yourself in seemingly endless battles with bots. In the end, you’re probably better off sticking with a game like Overwatch.

tl;dr – Frag Pro Shooter is an arena-based, multiplayer-focused First-Person Shooter and Third-Person Shooter (you can do both) where players select a team of heroes with unique abilities and can freely swap between them. While the game does have some decent gameplay and a nice concept, it’s heavily undermined by pretty much every gross monetization practice there is, a lack of options in maps and character abilities, and online play so deserted you’ll just end up getting in matches with bots. As a result, it’s hard to recommend this over other similar games like Overwatch.

Grade: C


This game has been nominated for one or more of eShopperReviews 2023 Game Awards:

Runner-UpWorst Monetization / Scam


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